Laura Kaan, REALTOR
6760 Corporate Dr. Ste 300
Colorado Springs CO 80919

Laura's Colorado Springs Real Estate Blog

The Housing Market is Doing Just Fine

 The Housing Market is Doing Just Fine

There are some that think that housing affordability is a challenge. Historically, that’s not true. Others think that home prices are approaching bubble values. If we look back over the last sixteen years, that is also not the case. As a matter of fact, the numbers show that the U.S. residential real estate market is doing just fine.

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Home Sales Accelerate During The “Dog Days of Summer”

 Home Sales Accelerate During The “Dog Days of Summer”
  • Existing home sales have accelerated to the highest pace since February 2007 at an annual pace of 5.57 million.
  • Inventory of homes for sale remains below the historically normal 6-month mark at a 4.6-month supply, down 5.8% year-over-year.
  • Median home sales prices rose to $247,700, 4.8% higher than a year ago and replaced the previous peak in May of $238,900.
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House Hasn’t Sold Yet? Take Another Look at Your Price!

 House Hasn’t Sold Yet? Take Another Look at Your Price!

The residential housing market has been hot. Home sales have bounced back solidly and are now at their second highest pace since February 2007.  Demand has remained strong throughout the summer as many real estate professionals are reporting bidding wars with listings actually selling above listing price.  What about your house?

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